
About Me

Thank you for visiting this little space of mine. I have been blogging for over four years now and enjoy the creativity it allows me to share and save. I also have been blessed by meeting new friends through blogging, as well as keeping up with my friends and family.

My first blog, Thoughts During Walks, began while I was going on a lot of walks with my first son, Matthew. He was about four months old and would only take his naps in the car, stroller, or Ergo carrier. Since I would much rather walk than drive, I would literally walk for hours each day! I now have two boys, Matthew (3.5 years) and Ben (1.5 years), and although I don't get out as often as I should, I still love walking and being in nature.

Besides being a wife and mother, I am also a crafter. I have been crocheting and knitting since I was about nine. A friend's mother taught me how to crochet and my grandmother taught me how to knit. At around the same time my grandmother also taught me how to sew, and I have the honor of continuing to sew with her sewing machine. I usually flit from one project to another, have a messy crafting space, and drive my husband crazy with my hobbies and materials.

Thanks again for visiting!
