As I've mentioned before, the town I live in is quite small. There is only one grocery store, the nearest Walmart and Walgreens are 35 minutes away, CVS is 45 minutes, and Target is about an hour. Well, why does this matter? Lately, while I've been looking at coupon/frugal blogs, I am often envious of all the great "deals" others in larger towns can get by frequenting the sales at various stores. Then I remember that:
1. I often get stressed out while shopping on my own
2. I always get stressed out while shopping with my one year old and three year old
3. I'm not particular fond of driving 45 minutes to Santa Fe in order to get in and out of the car numerous times
I am, however, always looking for a great deal! :)
One of my solutions has been to focus of what is nearby, and that is Smith's. Like all stores, most products are overpriced, but since I've been paying closer attention to the weekly ads, clipping my coupons, and keeping a price book, I've been able to stock up on the bargains and forgo the rest (most of it, at least). For my local readers, I'd like to start posting weekly about my top finds in order to help out my fellow homemakers, as well as anyone who would just like to save some of their hard-earned money! :)
So, I'll be focusing on Smith's as well as CVS (the closest is located at the de Vargas Mall), my favorite drugstore. I'll occasionally be listing deals at Walgreens and Target. I haven't been to Walmart since I almost stepped on a dead kitten in the parking lot...I'd just rather not go there!
I currently have quite a stockpile of coupons, and it did take time to build it up. Here in northern New Mexico we may get coupons the following ways:
1. Sunday papers. The Monitor always has Smartsource, but for the P&G and General Mills inserts, you'll need to purchase (or borrow from a friend who doesn't coupon!) the Santa Fe New Mexican or Albuquerque Journal.
2. Red Plum: these are delivered in the mail each Tuesday or Wednesday. Most people throw these away as "junk," but there are some great coupons in them!
3. Online: try coupons.com, smartsource.com, redplum.com
4. You may also load digital coupons onto your Smith's rewards card--just fill out your card info, then select the coupons you would like.
I'll try to keep this little space updated as much as my life allows, so stay tuned... :)