Lately I've been getting some fabulous deals at CVS. It is by far my favorite drugstore, and right now it even tops Target for me (gasp!). If you're not familiar with CVS, there are currently two Santa Fe locations:
195 Paseo de Peralta (next to Sunflower Market in de Vargas Center)
511 West Cordova Road
I honestly have only gone to the CVS at the de Vargas Center since it's in a very easy and central location. All of the employees there have been helpful and friendly, and none have batted an eye when I pulled out my couponizer loaded with coupons. :)
If you're new to CVS, here are some tips to get you started:
1. Before making any purchases, be sure to sign up for an ExtraCare Rewards Card. It's free, and you'll get rewards equal to 2% of your total purchases quarterly. It also enables you to take advantage of sales that reward you with Extra Bucks.
2. Always scan your card at the CVS machine, usually located in the front of the store. Paper coupons will print out, usually for use that day. Today I received a coupon for $10 off my entire purchase, as well as free candy corn! :)
3. Purchase a green tag for $0.99 to attach to a reusable bag. Each time you shop, be sure to have the cashier scan your tag. Each scan gives you a $0.25 credit, which very quickly compensates for the purchase of the tag.
4. Be sure to check out weekly ads. Sometimes they come in the Sunday paper, but sometimes they don't (here in northern New Mexico). I haven't figured out any pattern to this, but sometimes I can't find the ad anywhere. When that happens, though, I just look online at
www.cvs.com. There are usually FREE deals (after Extra Bucks) each week! I will try my best to keep my favorite deals for the week updated here.
To give an example of why CVS is my current favorite, I'd like to share today's trip:
Jergens Overnight Repair lotion: $6 (reg $6.99)
Purchased two, then used two $2/1 coupons from 10/10 Smartsource insert. Received $3 Extra Bucks.
Final price: $2.50/each
Colgate Total Advance White: $2.99 (reg $3.69)
Purchased two, used two $1/1 coupons, received $5.98 Extra Bucks
Final price: $2 money-maker!
Softsoap Body wash: $4.49, B1G1 free
Puchased two, used one $1/1 and one 0.75/1 coupons
Final price: $1.37/each
Brach's candy corn: $0.99
Purchased two, used two $0.99 coupons printed from CVS
Final price: FREE!
Batteries: $6.49, B1G1 Free
Puchased two
Final price: $3.25/each (pack of 10 AA)
After using my free and effortless $10 coupon, my grand total (including tax) was $12.71, with $8.95 Extra Cash. This essentially makes my total $3.93! I HEART CVS!